My Portfolio

Digital engagement campaign for B Corporation

Country: United Kingdom

Project: Digital engagement campaign (website, email, social media, video, podcast) to promote a hybrid event from the United Nations Climate Change Conference.


  • Strategy (including objective setting, target audience definition, branding and visuals, key messages, omnichannel approach, partner and influencer engagement, promotion plan, measurement and evaluation).

  • Execution (including digital listening, copywriting, partner sharekit, speaker and event promos, ad scheduling and optimization, live tweeting, highlight videos, link sharing with partners, reporting).

Results: +24’000 website sessions, +353’000 social media impressions, +7’000 social media engagements, +200 influencer mentions, +35.3% email open rates, +6.8% email click rate, +700 event participants.

Climate action

Digital transformation for faith-based organization

Country: Switzerland

Project: Digital transformation and change management for faith-based organization


  • Strategy (including foresight, research, interviews, data mapping, ideation, strategic plan, action plan, evaluation)

  • Execution (including project management, stakeholder engagement, website development, branding, copywriting, content development, platform integration)

Results: 50% boost in website visits and 200% increase in online donations

Countering digital disinformation for fashion company

Country: United Arab Emirates

Project: Countering disinformation on social media for fashion company with +$15B in annual revenue


  • Strategy (including issues and crisis management approach)

  • Execution (including daily social listening, mapping of key topics and influencers, development of holding statements and private messages, digital image forensics, daily measurement and reporting)

Results: Successfully countered the spread of misinformation and disinformation through social listening and the timely sharing of facts. Prevented mass cancellation of product orders and safeguarded brand reputation.

Fashion items

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